-- Blog - Part 47
Pool Decks, Driveways, Patios, Walls, Pool Plastering and more...
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Removing Motor Oil Stains from Your Driveway: 2. Older Oil Stains

Removing Motor Oil Stains from Your Driveway: 2. Older Oil Stains

In the last post, I talked about catching and removing motor oil stains shortly after the oil has collected.  Today, I’ll be discussing removing stains that weren’t treated immediately. Its always going to be easier to remove a stain (oil or otherwise) if you catch it as […]

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Removing Motor Oil Stains from Your Driveway: 1. Fresh Puddles

Removing Motor Oil Stains from Your Driveway: 1. Fresh Puddles

With any manner of liquid spill or stain, the golden rule seems to be that “if you catch it early, its easier to clean,” and motor oil is no different.  The less time it’s had to soak itself into your driveway or garage, the better. First, use […]

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Protecting Your Paver Patio

Protecting Your Paver Patio

It bears mentioning that nothing grows “through” your paver patio.  At least nothing as far as modern science is concerned.  What will happen is that seeds carried by the wind will land in your patio and may grow in-between your paver joints.  With this in mind, it […]

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Tips for Maintaining My Vinyl-Liner Pool

Tips for Maintaining My Vinyl-Liner Pool

The 1st thing you’ll want to consider in all your pool projects is usually the water.  Having pool water in a good chemical balance greatly reduces potential issues.  I recommend taking a water sample to be processed by a licensed pool company.  They can help you with […]

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Deck Sealant – Can My Deck Be Resealed?

Deck Sealant – Can My Deck Be Resealed?

The correct response to this question is “it depends.” To elaborate, a little explanation about sealant is needed.  Sealer application depends on the type of sealer used in the initial construction and the type of aggregate in the concrete.  2-3 years is the average time frame in which a […]

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Transforming Landscapes

Transforming Landscapes

Everybody wants to have a nice home on beautiful property, where the sun is always shining, the sky is always blue, and the grass is a verdant shade of green. At Triad Associates Inc., we can’t affect the sun or sky or color of your grass.  What […]

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Triad Associates, Inc.
100 Downing Ave.
Haverhill, MA 01830

Phone: (978) 373-4223
Toll Free: (800) 464-8833
Fax: (978) 373-8051