-- Protect your Deck With These Tips - Triad Associates
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Protect your Deck With These Tips

Protect your Deck With These Tips
Before winter's chill settles in, make a point to clean and maintain it in an effort to prevent any cold-specific damage.  Source: Houzz

Before winter’s chill settles in, make a point to clean and maintain it in an effort to prevent any damage from cold or precipitation. Source: Houzz

Keeping decks and patios looking nice year after year requires taking proactive steps designed to protect your deck. Because your deck represents a considerable investment, it’s well worth taking the time to do the following before winter’s chill settles in.

Start by cleaning the deck thoroughly. Dirt from the yard, grease from the BBQ, and debris from falling leaves can stain your deck. Be sure to use a deck cleaner like JOMAX Deck Wash to remove these completely. The more you scrub away, the better. Just be careful not to power wash the finish away while you are cleaning.

Once your deck is clean, apply a water-repellent finish to the surface to prevent water absorption during the winter. These coatings are effective at protecting your deck for 3 years or so. To determine if your deck needs it, spray water on a small area and check the beading; if it’s beading well, you’re alright; if the water’s absorbed, let it dry then apply a new layer of sealant.

Do you need help protecting your deck from the winter weather that’s right around the corner? Contact Triad Associates, Inc. and we’ll be happy to schedule a service visit to your home.

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