-- Football Season is Here! Is your Firepit Ready? - Triad Associates
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Football Season is Here! Is your Firepit Ready?

Football Season is Here! Is your Firepit Ready?

Fire pit maintenance isn’t that difficult to do, and it’s something you don’t want to neglect. Not only will taking care of your fire pit ensure your enjoyment of it, but it’ll keep it from becoming a fire hazard to your home and property. Here are some basic things you should remember to take care of:

Firepit maintenance

Source; Triad Associates Inc.

  1. Keep debris and undergrowth around the fire pit to an absolute minimum.
  2. Be sure to clean the creosote out of the chimney at least once every year. Creosote cleaning logs will help, but they are not a substitute for a professional cleaning.
  3. Repair any cracks or chips that develop. There are sealers available that can be injected into the crack to prevent it from spreading and they are well worth the investment.
  4. Scrub your fire pit with warm, soapy water to remove any buildup of ash. This will help keep it from staining the stones.

Triad Associates, Inc. would be happy to build you a soothing and “hearthwarming” fire pit and teach you all the fire pit maintenance tips you’ll need to take care of it. We invite you to contact us when you’re ready to add this fiery feature to your landscape.

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100 Downing Ave.
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