The incorporation of color, depth, patterns, and contrast are all factors you’ll want to consider when creating your landscape.
A landscape that stands out to the senses is a pleasure to behold. Moreover, a beautiful interior needs a beautiful exterior. If you feel that your home is missing something, then perhaps your landscape needs some flair.
Use these tips for creating creative landscape:
- Color is one of the most important tools for creating flair because bright and brilliant colors can channel the eye to where it is supposed to be. However, please note that the restrained use of a limited palate can be more effective than a chaotic mess that blends more colors than a landscape can handle.
- Depth can make for a richer visual. One simple method is to layer landscaping elements. For example, plant a row of flowers and then plant a second row of flowers with contrasting colors right behind them.
- Patterns are useful for cementing impressions in the minds of viewers. Even something as simple as concrete pavers laid out in a square grid can impart a solid sense of order.
- Contrast can make contrasting elements stand out.
Please contact us at Triad Associates to learn more about our services. Likewise, check out our portfolio to see some examples of how we can help homeowners.