When it comes to winter pool maintenance, winterizing your pool requires that you perform the certain tasks. Source: morgueFile
Backyard pools are a great place to relax and enjoy the summer. Even so, all that rest and relaxation has to be paid for with some real work as the leaves begin to fall. When it comes to winter pool maintenance, winterizing your pool requires that you perform the following tasks:
- Install a winter cover. Summer covers simply don’t provide adequate protection over the winter from snow and ice build up.
- Check the water. Not only should you check the pH and balance of chemicals, you should make sure the water level is where it should be. Otherwise, you could end up with cracked pipes, filters, etc.
- Check for cracks in masonry, liners, and tile work. Finding them now will give you time to fix them before the cold weather sets in. If you wait until spring, these cracks can cause serious (and expensive) damage to your pool’s structure.
Are you too busy to perform the winter pool maintenance that needs to get done before the weather begins to freeze? Not a problem. Simply Contact Triad Associates, Inc. and we’ll be happy to do the work for you.