Permeable pavers are an eco-friendly solution to beautify your hardscape. Permeable pavers create a solid surface, but they allow water to comfortable drain through the pavers’ joints. By installing permeable pavers, you allow more water to be reabsorbed by the earth.
The spaces between the pavers allow extra water to seep through the cracks and resupply our precious groundwater. These small gaps prevent some storm water runoff from entering our natural waterways and bringing harmful pollutants with it.
Lower volumes of storm water runoff will also prevent our creeks, streams and rivers from flooding and causing additional erosion in those areas. Permeable Pavers offer a great, low-cost solution to areas that have limited drainage solutions.
Permeable pavers are also an economically sound solution to necessary hardscaping. They prevent the need for costly and labor intensive drainage systems; they are self-draining. Permeable pavers can often be cheaper than other alternatives, and they are quicker and easier to install.
If you are considering adding permeable pavers to your home, contact Triad Associates for a professional installation.