Softer hardscaping paths include planted joint, gravel, and mulch paths. Source: Hardscaping’s Soft Side Houzz
Hardscaping is an important element in creating a balanced outdoor design, but it doesn’t have to be all concrete and stone. There are softer hardscaping options that you can incorporate into your outdoor area. The following are a few examples of soft hardscaping features:
- Planted joint paths – Set down a stone path but plant greenery between the joints around the stone slabs in order to soften up the harsh edges of stone. This will basically turn the path into stepping stones, which is a charming look.
- Gravel paths – Gravel isn’t as stark of a contrast to the landscape surrounding your path as pavement is, and it doesn’t cost much to put down, nor does it have much of an environmental impact. And there’s something comforting about the light crunching sound under your feet as you walk down a gravel pathway!
- Mulch paths – Mulch paths blend into the environment even more and are permeable, easy to build and inexpensive. Not to mention they are sustainable since you can build a mulch path using 100 percent recycled content.
These are just a few ideas for soft hardscaping. For additional hardscaping tips and ideas, be sure to contact us at Triad Associates today.