Considering the horror stories out there, homeowners have understandable reason to be cautious about choosing contractors for their home renovations. Multiple methods for vetting contractors exist, but one of the best is to read up on the opinion of a reputable source. For example, homeowners know that Triad Associates can be trusted for their concrete paving needs because of their ICPI certification.
ICPI stands for the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute. It’s the main trade association that represents people involved in interlocking concrete paving throughout North America. It’s an umbrella that encompasses manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, and designers, with the knowledge needed to teach members about all aspects of the profession.
To sum up the situation, ICPI certification is recognition that the recipients possess both the expertise and experience needed for their positions. Since ICPI is the leader in interlocking concrete paving, it’s best prepared to evaluate the existence of said skills in members. As a result, homeowners who chose ICPI-certified contractors such as Triad Associates can be assured that their contractors understand how to perform in their positions and will uphold the highest standards.
For more information, please speak to Triad Associates.