-- What Problems Can Arise From Poor Paving? - Triad Associates
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What Problems Can Arise From Poor Paving?

What Problems Can Arise From Poor Paving?

When dealing with a hardscape renovation for the first time, there are many problems that can spontaneously arise weeks, months, or years after the work is complete. These issues can come about if you don’t hire quality professionals, and result in  additional labor, materials, time and money to correct.

problems with poor paving workmanship

Source: Shutter Stock

Here are some problems that arise with poor paving workmanship:

  • If a contractor forgets to make the base an even level throughout or to fully compact the base layer. This can result in uneven heights among the pavement over time due to settling, both in the form of sporadic individual tiles and entire sections that seem to sink into the ground.
  • A further result of this problem is that water may begin to puddle above shifted areas of the pavement, regardless of intended drainage.
  •   If stone dust is used in place of gravel, it may even erode instead of settle, increasing the damage.

 If you’re interested in hiring top quality installation experts for your hardscape renovation to avoid these pitfalls and prevent unnecessary paver maintenance, contact us today Triad Associates inc. today.

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