-- Winterize Your Pool - Triad Associates
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Winterize Your Pool

Winterize Your Pool

Now that you have prepared your pool to be winterized, it’s time to shut it down.

Winterized Pool

Protect your summer fun during the winter.

Draining a pool can have devastating consequences if proper precautions aren’t taken, so most professionals recommend leaving your pool mostly full during the winter months.

For most pool types, it is recommended that your leave the water level 1 to 6 inches below the skimmer mouth to prevent damage from freezing temperatures when using a cover for the winter. Uncovered pools might need to be drained as much as 2 feet below the skimmer mouth.

Next, drain all piping, valves pumps and other equipment to prevent cracking and breaking during the colder months. After they have been drained, add a non-toxic antifreeze that can be found at most pool supply stores. This will also help prevent damage during sub-zero temperatures.

Remove and clean all your pool accessories like railings, ladders, lighting equipment and diving boards. Store these items in a cool dry place, and be sure to lay the diving board flat.

Finally cover your pool to keep out debris and contaminants. Make sure the cover is secure, then bundle up and wait for the weather to warm up.

Triad Associates knows how much fun a pool can be, so take proper care of your investment to enjoy it for years to come. 

Source: About.com

Photo Credit: AquaBuddyPools.com

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100 Downing Ave.
Haverhill, MA 01830

Phone: (978) 373-4223
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