Outdoor fireplaces and outdoor fire pits both make beautiful additions to your outdoor space, whether you want to create a place for entertaining or you just want to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Triad Associates can create a gorgeous design for both types of fire features that will elevate the look of your space while also giving you years of use.
With so many great options for both, you may have a hard time deciding whether an outdoor fireplace or an outdoor fire pit would be the better choice for you. Here are a few things to consider to help you decide:
Outdoor Fireplaces
Think about how elegant a beautiful fireplace looks in your home. Now, imagine that same beautiful look in your outdoor space. It will seem even more sophisticated because it is so unexpected. You can make a real statement with an outdoor fireplace, depending on the style and the type of stone you use.
Some other great benefits of outdoor fireplaces include:
- They are not necessarily as “central” as fire pits. They rest on the edge of the patio or entertaining space, leaving the center open for more room to stretch or for other features.
- They are much larger than fire pits, providing greater warmth.
- They can be operated independently of the weather. You don’t have to worry about rain putting out the fire. As long as you have a covered space, you can enjoy the fireplace in any type of weather.
- They are multi-functional. You can do more than just roast marshmallows in a fireplace. You can cook things, generate real heat, and more.
- They offer better smoke control. The smoke is directed up the chimney and away from you.
Outdoor Fire Pits
Outdoor fire pits can be much more sophisticated than those metal bins that you can buy from a big-box store. They can be designed with beautiful stone in a variety of styles. They can be incorporated into a patio and sitting area, or they can be designed to stand alone. You can also have one added to a pool area.
Here are some of the benefits of outdoor fire pits:
- They offer more options for shapes and sizes than outdoor fireplaces. You can make them big or small, and you can choose a variety of shapes for them.
- They are typically smaller than outdoor fireplaces, which is a huge advantage if you have a smaller backyard. You can add a fire pit to just about any space.
- They can act as the centerpiece of a space, which can orient everyone in a group and provide a talking point.
There are no clear winners when it comes to choosing an outdoor fireplace or a fire pit. There are benefits to both, and you can choose a gorgeous design for both of them that will elevate the look of your space. The hardscaping experts at Triad Associates are ready to help bring your vision to life. Call us today to schedule a consultation and start exploring the options for your outdoor entertaining space.