Ahhh… Relaxing in the summer sun by your background swimming pool environment is a beautiful thing. Triad Associates can help build that outdoor living environment with exceptional products to create your dream. Triad Associates offers expert advice on the latest hardscaping products to create a swimming pool environment that will no only offer functionality, but will also match your style. One of the elements of a swimming pool project that compliments the overall pool project is the swimming pool coping.
What is Pool Coping?
Swimming pool coping is a product that goes around the edge of the swimming pool. Pool coping comes in many different colors, sizes and material options.
Types of Swimming Pool Coping
- Bullnose Brick Coping
- Cantilever Coping (concrete)
- Natural Stone Coping (Granite, Bluestone, etc)
- Techo Bloc Coping Products
Choosing Your Pool Coping
With a large variety of products on the market for pool coping, how can you determine which product is right for your pool? If you are installing a concrete pool deck around your swimming pool, many people opt for a cantilever coping. Cantilever coping allows the concrete to overhang the edge of your pool slightly (typically about 1″) and offers a seamless match with your pool decking. If you are installing a paver pool deck (or perhaps natural stone), you may want to choose a coping product that is mortared to the edge of the pool that compliments the look of your pool deck. Bullnose brick coping, Techo Bloc coping products and natural stone coping can be great compliments to a paver pool deck.
- Bullnose Brick Coping
- Natural Stone
- Bullnose Brick
- Bluestone Coping
- Cantilever Coping
- Cantilever Coping
- Cantilever Coping
- Techo Bloc – Portofino
- Techo Bloc – Bullnose Grande
Triad Associates, located in Massachusetts, offers pool coping installation for inground swimming pools in MA and the greater New England area. Please contact us for more information and discuss your project with one of our professional sales representatives.