A retaining wall can be aesthetically pleasing and add height and dimension to your landscaping, but is also a vital part of any home’s foundation. The wall can protect your land from eroding, and additionally, if a home is built on a slope a strong retaining wall protects land from sliding away from the foundation and either weakening the foundation, damaging your landscaping, or both.
There are common benefits to installing a retaining wall:
- Add a decorative extension to the home.
- Builds up garden beds.
- Keep soil dry and in place.
- Directs water drainage from rain away from your home, helping you avoid major property damage.
- Eliminating the eye sore of dirt piles and hills and sink holes.
- Reduces maintenance and prevents erosion.
If your home needs the extra protection provided by a stone retaining wall, contact Triad Associates, we can install any wall protect you require in a wide selection of shapes and natural colors to match your homes style and enhance your property. Appearance and structural integrity are the top priorities for Triad when installing block retaining walls.
Triad is a certified Techo-Bloc installer. Techo-Bloc produces the highest quality interlocking paver and wall systems on the market.